President of İntisad Atty. Selahattin Par received wide coverage in the Azerbaijani media with his television program, special interviews and events he participated in.
Selahattin Par, who held a series of meetings in Azerbaijan, was widely covered in media organizations such as Ses TV, Baku News,,, In News and Bizim.Media.
- President of İntisad Atty. Selahattin Par is on SES TV. Azerbaijan is preparing a joint plan with Türkiye
- AXAR.AZ – INTISAD President is in Baku: Trade may reach 50 billion
- BIZIM.MEDIA – Behind the scenes of France’s intervention plan in Armenia – Special Statement from Selahattin Par
- BAKU NEWS – Turkish guests met with mediators at breakfast
- IN NEWS – Turkish guests met with mediators at breakfast
- FAKTOR.AZ – Turkish guests met with mediators at breakfast