In Istanbul, 3 years ago, due to false needle used in hair implantation, it has resulted to a trail of marks on M.Y. Consequently he has filed a compensation claim against the Hair Implantation Centre of around 101 thousand TL. In 2014, the Pressman M.Y got in touch with an Hair Implantation Centre in Şişli since he was suffering hair loss at the front side of his head. Approximately after 10 hours of operation, 4800 roots were removed from the back of M.Y’s head and was implanted on the front side. Unfortunately as time passed and M.Y’s wounds started to heal, M.Y became aware of the permanent trail of marks; the operation had caused on the back side of his head. As a result, the implantation centre refunded only 2000 TL to M.Y. However, M.Y became obsessed with the permanent trails and that led him to get psychological help as the trials had affected him psychologically as well. As a consequence, M.Y decided to get help from our Lawyer Selahattin Par to claim damages from the Hair Implantation Centre of around 101,000 TL at the Istanbul Consumer Court.